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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pretty Cool Stuff!

Here is Seaira's new Tomato Seating System! I love it!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Seizure Day!

Seaira woke up having a seizure things were calm for a while and this evening they started back up and haven't stopped! I've had to give her emergency medicine. She having little ones but they are one after the another!
Her brand new feeding pump I was bragging about decided to go out today of all days, for some reason the battery isn't charging, we tried moving it to different outlets and everything but it's not working so I called Apria and they can't get here until Midnight, I guess it's better then tomorrow!

Here is the van we are getting!

Here is the fancy new feeding pump that is not feeling so fancy at the moment!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Not a lot to report!

Things have been all right. Seaira did have another period on her 2nd week of her new pills which brought on another round of seizures. I'm not sure if I should call her OB, or if I should just wait it out and see what happens since things sometimes take time to work??
Seaira's feeding pump went out over the weekend and we got a new one delivered yesterday, it's called a Joey, wow, where has this thing been all the life, it is much nicer then what we have been using for the last 6 years! I'll try and remember to get some pictures of it later so you all can see!
A couple of weekends ago we (Jeff, Lisa, her brother and I) rearranged mine and Seaira's room!
The goal was to get her back in her bed but still have her close enough to me that I could see her while lying in my bed and be able to get to her quickly! I think we accomplished that!
Here are all the pics!

These are at the end of her bed and she is using them, it's really nice for her to tell us when she needs something!!