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Monday, May 4, 2009

Seaira 11th Birthday~

We had a great turn out for Seaira's Party! I want to thank everyone who came to help us celebrate! Seaira had a rough time making it through her party though. The night before she had been throwing up and had a bad seizure then the morning of she had another one. We couldn't take her in the pool in fear she might have another one. :o(Add Image
It was wonderful to be surrounded by family friends though!
Seaira has been sick every sence her party but she is starting to feel a little better.

Seaira's OBG appointment

Last week I went to talk to Dr. Lee about Seaira's uncontrollable periods. After carefully weighing out each of my options I have decided to go ahead and try the depo provera. Not my first choice but right now I just don't have too many options! I just pray it helps!!