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Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hi Everybody! Again I have let too much time go by! Things right now are actually looking good with Seaira!
She is going to school 4 days a week and staying an hour longer for the most part, she still has some bad days but overall so much better then last year!
We now have Lisa as her care giver. She comes over everyday before school and gets her ready, yes all the cute hair-dos are from Lisa! :o) She also comes over two week days and ALL day Sunday. Seaira is really enjoying all the extra time with sissy and my back enjoys the break! :o)
Seaira's back is doing so much better since her surgery, she is even attempting to sit up on her own again!
Her Birthday is creeping up on us, she will be 13 this April. We are planning her party for April 23rd, so mark your calendars!
We are planning a trip soon too. Lisa, Seaira and I are going to go visit our friends Terri and Abby at the end of March. They live in Kansas City, MO, so it will be a long a plane ride, but I am really looking forward to it!
I think that is about all to report for now! Hope you all are doing well!