Ok so last neuro appointment we decreased the Adivant by just a little and the next day she has a couple mild seizures, that went on for a good 4 more days. So we decided to add back a little of the Adivant but not the full dose, well last night she ended up having a cluster of about 15 seizures and I had to give her the Diastat! Today she's just been real sleepy!
If I keep her on all the meds then she just lies in med all day unable to function right, if we decrease the meds at all them she goes into seizure mode and ends up being in bed all day! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I am praying for you sweet Seaira because I want to see you and your beautiful smile back at school after you are feeling better.
Love, Stacy
That is so frustrating. I feel so bad for you and for sweet Searia!
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