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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Little Miss Sunshine!

I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've posted! As anyone close to me knows, when things are bad I just fall into a little hole and shut out the world (so to speak). There have been no positive changes to report! Things were getting better with the seizures and then her period came. She had 5 seizures the day before and then again the day it started and 2 the next day then 1 each day after until it ended (5 days total), these seizures were each 2 and half minutes long, just awful ones! Now that is has stopped the seizures have stopped as well but she is so drugged up that she just lays in bed all day long. It is getting very depressing! She was suppose have a neuro appointment today but we had to reschedule do to the weather!
On another note...Most of you probably remember me freaking out a couple months ago about a terrible mistake I made with my finances that caused a whirlwind of issues. Our family struggled and continues to from that! We are finally to the point where with payment arrangements we are making it! But I was really dreading the holidays because I was so afraid I was going to fall into a hole again! I made myself a promise that I was not going to go broke over Christmas, that is not what God has in mind for us, that is not his plan. The birth of his son is not event that is suppose to make people spend money they don't have and suffer in the end! So I sat my kids down and told them that this year was going to be tough and that "under the tree" might not be so full, but at the same time we were going to try and start some new holiday traditions and really enjoy our time together! All but one of them took it well!
Some amazing things have happened! We ended up getting a Thanksgiving basket from a wonderful family, not only did we get the turkey with all the fixings but they also brought milk, eggs and bread! It was amazing! Then for Christmas Seaira's school adopted our family and I went to pick up the gifts the other day and I was shocked! We had 6 boxes full of presents, each child had about 7 things! I cried and cried some more, happy tears of course! So here's a great big Thank you to our friends at Lake Shore! I'll be taking lots of pictures so you can all see how excited the kids are going to be! Right now there are the 2 gifts a piece I got them sitting out and the rest I have put up and I'm not going to put them under the tree until the night before, they will be shocked! This has been really tough for me, because every year one of our traditions is taking a name off the tree and going shopping for someone else and we always do food donations for the Thanksgiving baskets that go out, so to be on the other end of that is really tough, but I am forever grateful and that just means next year we are going have to give more then normal, because it truly does go to family's in need!
Thanks everyone, have a Marry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Gail and Seaira! I am so happy that God has provided. Have a wonderful New Year too, and I hope to see Seaira back at school in January.
Blessings! Stacy

Karlie Grace said...

You have such a giving heart and i'm so glad the favor is being returned to you and your family. My heart aches for Miss Seaira. I pray research catches up and finds a better way to help you deal with her seizures. Please give her kisses from me and Karlie.

Rebecca said...

We are on the "other side" this year also. Caitlyn was adopted by her school's PTA. She got 3 big presents. With out that, she might not have had anything Christmas morning. (well, except the much needed new shoes that Santa got her!) We are so blessed to have people out there that care! Merry Christmas to you and your family!