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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Van!!!!!!!!

Ok, sorry for the delay in writing! We got the van and the end of February when we got our taxes back which also made it to where we could get back on our feet again financially which was a great feeling!
The van has a few little things that bother me about it but over all it is pretty nice!
Here are some pics!.................


Anonymous said...

Hi Seaira!
I love your new van! I am sure that your mom likes wheeling you into it instead of lifting you into your car seat. You are growing up so quickly. I can't believe that your birthday will be here soon. Please come to Lake Shore when you can. We all miss you so much!
Take Care Seaira!

Karlie Grace said...

Yaaayy :) It looks AWESOME! I bet it's so nice and i'm glad Seaira enjoys riding in it! She looks so cute on her new lift. Does she get excited or did the newness of it make her little nervous at first?

SeairaLaNae said...

Seaira was nervous the first day she rode it in but after that she has done great. It's awesome!

Kelly said...

YAY- the new ride is AWESOME! I hope it makes gettign around MUCH easier for all of you!!