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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Tobii~

Seaira had a lot of fun trying out the Tobii! It cost an arm and a leg,but who knows, maybe someday we'll get it!!


Melissa said...

We have a child using the DynaVox EyeMax. It works wonderfully for her & she is really progressing in her communication and having fun with the visual scenes and games. The DynaVox performed better than the Tobii in the trials and is much more portable/usable. Plus, it is made and supported in the United States. Good luck in getting a system, whatever you choose. Medicaid covered all of ours.

SeairaLaNae said...

I checked it out, pretty cool! I like that it is made by Mayer Johnson and uses board maker pictures!
I am looking into it!!
Seaira doesn't have Medicaid but our % would sure be cheaper considering this device costs much less!