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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Decent Day!

Today was overall a good day for Miss Seaira! The weather is a bit warm and she is a lot like her mommy and melts in the heat so we pretty much stayed in the one room in the house with a/c and watched movies. She isn't liking our new guest very well. It's quite funny, I don't think I've ever seen Seaira get so jealous over a child I've taken in but she doesn't like poor like Zack. She glares at him, she even went as far as trying to pick up his toys and throwing them but her hands just weren't cooperating with her but you could see the evil in her eyes. I guess it's a good thing he's only staying for a short time!
I hope everyone had a wonderful day!


Rebecca said...

Welcome to the blogging world!!! check out and also Brooklyn's mom Kelly has a whole list of girls with Rett Syndrome!! There is one, Karly, who is in her twenty's and does her own blog with partner assisted communication! I add you to my list! (which needs to be updated badly!

Brooklyn said...

Rebecca sent me the link to your blog! I look forward to all your future posts!