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Thursday, August 28, 2008


I am so peeved right now I can't even see straight! I just found out Seaira is not assigned a one on one staff assistant this year. I'm told it has something to do with some paper work not being turned in on time(not paperwork I am responsible either) , but I don't buy that for one minute!
This is such a load of crap! When Seaira first entered into Vancouver School District we had to fight for her staff assistant and here we are again 6 years later doing it again! She doesn't walk, she doesn't talk, she has seizures, she has a feeding tube, she can not do one single task on her own!
I can live with the cards I have been dealt really I can but why the hell does everything have to be such a damn fight??????
This will be a huge fight and I will sue their asses if I have to!
I will keep you all posted on how this all turns out!!


Brooklyn said...

There is always something, isn't there? I completly agree with you...we should not have a constant battle on our hands. Our lives are filled with enough struggle as it is. All we want for our girls is the best care (which they deserve) and the ability to access their education(also deserved) and for this she needs a one on one aide. Simple. Then why can't it be that simple? UGH. I think I would be having a chat with whomever was "late" getting the paper work in on time.
I hope things get worked out for Seaira. Keep us posted!

Abbysworld said...

It will be fine. Just keep up what we were talking about yesterday and pull her till they find an assistant. A week later go to the news. I know you shouldn't have to fight.
I am so hoping we don't have to deal with this once Abby leaves her special needs preschool.
You my friend are such an insperation to me.
I love you