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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

More seizures

I've been procrastinating all day about posting this because I know I'll probably cry but......... Last night Seaira had 13 seizures in a row (a cluster) we ended up having to give her diastat (her emergency medicine) at around midnight and that helped and she was able to sleep peacefully the rest of the night, wish I could have but at least she did! I called the advise nurse when this all started and she was really sweet and called me through out the night to make sure things were ok, she also made sure that Seaira's neurology office got a report first thing this morning about what happened and they called me. They are wanting to give her a form of Valium that should settle things down until we figure things out! Her neuro is out of town but flies back tomorrow and is going to see right after his flight comes in which I thought was really sweet! So tomorrow at 2:00.
She was suppose to start school but I'm going to have to keep her out until things settle down. She is going to end up with a brand new staff assistant and there is no way I want her to have to deal with seizures her first week at school.
Seaira slept until 10:00am and was awake for maybe an hour and went back to sleep and has been sleeping every sense!
I will keep you posted!


Brooklyn said...

OH....sweet angel....we hope you all get everythin figured out soon.
Big Hugs from Indiana...
Kelly & Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

My name is Kym Rose and i would like to show you my personal experience with Valium.

I am 30 years old. Have been on Valium for 30 days now. Valium helped me realize that many of my symptoms WERE anxiety related. Got prescribed 5mg every 8 hours for leg and arm spasms.(Only need at most 1 a day) Only bad thing is the vivid dreams after a few days of use.

I have experienced some of these side effects -
Giddiness, drowsiness.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Kym Rose