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Wednesday, September 3, 2008


A couple of hours before her appt today she ended up having 8 more seizures.

Her neuro isn't quite sure what is going on and we've increased one of her meds and has given me another to use if the increase doesn't work!
That will be 4 medicines plus the vegal nerve stimulator. So she'll pretty much be a zombie for while! :o( No real answers no real solutions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gail,
I am so sorry to hear that Seaira is having so much trouble with seizures lately. I keep hoping and praying that she will have fewer and fewer and then they will go away completely. I will be at school to work with Seaira on Monday, so I really hope that by then she will be feeling better and that she can come to school for a few hours. Looking forward to seeing you soon--Stacy