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Wednesday, September 10, 2008


She just had 10 in a row, we gave her the emergency meds and praying they work! I'm also putting a call into to her neuro right now to see if there's anything else he wants me to do! I'll keep ya all posted!!!

We just got home from the hospital.
She had about 15-20 more while we were there, little ones, but still! They increased her emergency medication gave us another and sent us on our way! When Lisa got her out of the car to bring her in she wasn't breathing! It's going to be a long night!!!
Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all your love and support!

It's 1:30 right now and Seaira has not been awake for more than 5 minutes at a time today.
She has had at least 7 seizures today and I have given her the emergency meds! I'm really starting to loose it here, kinda feeling like this is going to be as good as it gets, like I'm just going to have a drugged up child from now on!
I just want my baby girl back, I want to see her smiles and hear her laughter!


Anonymous said...

Hi Gail,
I am so glad that Seaira has you and her large family to love, care, and support her through this time of seizures. I love looking at her smiling face on her blog, and that is how I will always picture her. Hopefully her medication can be worked out so that it helps control her seizures, but that we still can see her smiling and aware of all that is around her. I'm praying for her.

Kelly said...

Sweet Girl, I hope the seizures can get under control I imagine you are MORE than ready to see her smiles again. I am praying for that very thing!
Love & Hugs from the Butlers!