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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Life is Crazy!

Right now Seaira has a cold, nothing to big, just a cough. Seizures are under control for now, hopefully the cold won't egg them on! She see's her neuro on the 30th and at this point it seems like we're going to have to keep her on all 4 meds! :o( We'll see if he wants to change anything but I doubt it!
If any of you are on my Myspace and read my blogs you probably are aware that my family is going through a really rough spot right now! I made a serious error two months ago that made an extra $1,000 go out on a bill and the company refused to refund it due to late fees I had and now I can't recover! My checking account is overdrawn by $800.00 all in NSF fees except for a $200.00 payemnt that they let slip through, the rest is all fees! The electric company should find out today that my $400.00 (two month payment) payment bounced, my van payment is now 35 days past due and they are calling non-stop plus rent is now past due! Jeff gets paid tomorrow and I will be able to pay one bill and have nothing left over! I am so stressed right now! If you could please keep us in your thoughts and prayers during this rough time I would really appericate it! If I disappear off of here for a while that will be because of my electric being shut off!

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