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Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Cup Runnith Over~

You know the old saying "what comes around goes around"? Well today I got to see that first hand! I have always been one to help out friends, family and even people who I didn't directly know if I heard there was a need, I've just always been that way! Well as most of you know my family has been struggling and things were getting really bad, I was not sure at all how I was going to come out of it and still have a place to live etc... Well Seaira's class heard about our situation and helped out in such a special way! We now have food to last for a month and I'll gas to put in the van!
I don't want to go into all the details but lets just say they are a wonderful group of ladies and I couldn't be more grateful for everything they have done for us, it will not be forgotten!

Thank you Katie, Sherri, Stacy, Nancy, Cynthia, Robin and Mona (I really hope I didn't forget anyone)

I finally feel like there is hope to come out of this mess and that feels good!!!!!!!!


Carrie and Avery said...

that is awesome! It makes e have faith in humanity!

Kelly said...

I am so glad your friends have helped you out during this tough time! It is very heart warming!