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Friday, January 23, 2009

Latest updates and BS....

I don't know where to begin! I'm kind of losing my mind right now and I'm overly emotional so please bare with me! The very first thing is Lisa, my 20 year old, is getting ready to venture out on her own next month and is moving out! This is wonderful for her, it's a positive growing experience for her and I am so happy for her and proud of her BUT I can't help but be very devastated at the same time because my daily life is going to change in a way I'm not ready for! Caring for Seaira is a very big job that I can't do on my own and Lisa has a very big part helping with this. I keep trying to remind myself that I did it by myself before she came here but that was 5 years ago and Seaira is about 30 pounds heavier now! I'm not suppose to lift more then 10 pounds and Seaira is 75 pounds! Anytime I've thrown my back out, had surgeries, or have been sick, Lisa has been right there taking care of me and everything else! She has spoiled me! I'm now dreading the day that I get a bad cold and need to rest, if I ask my husband for something as simple as a glass of water I get glared at and treated like crap!
On top of Lisa leaving my mother is also moving away next month, she's going to Oak Harbor Washington which is 5 hours away! I have no idea what I will do if I have a emergency in the middle of the night! I have no one with a car that I can call to come be with kids if I have to take Seaira in. I feel like someone has just dropped a ton of bricks on my head!
Next is Seaira's school, I don't know if you recall all the problems I was having with her getting a one on one staff assistant, well it never happened and it continues to be a fight! The school district is now saying that there is a enough staff in her class to take care of her needs without them needing to hire someone which is such BS. They are saying she can have several different people assigned to her through out her day instead of just one! I do not have the strength to fight this battle any more and I'm seriously considering pulling her out of school! I can't take this anymore! They promised me a one on one and they promised me it was going on her IEP and none of it has happened!
Next is Seaira's surgery, it is looking like it might be as long as a year, that is how backed up the surgeon is BUT we could get a call anytime if there is a cancellation. I was told that not many people can come in on short notice because of the length of time the child has to be in the hospital and recovery time, most families have to plan ahead for this kind of thing, but I'm a stay home mom and Jeff can call off from work easily for us this kind of thing! I'll be scared to see what my house might look like after me being in the hospital a week with Seaira but that is my only concern! Anywho, they typically have some cancellations during the winter so I am hopeful that we might be able to get this done and over with sooner then later!
Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

Karlie Grace said...

I'm sorry you feel like everything is crumbling around you right now. Is respite care an option for you guys? Easier said than done i know, but Jeff needs to step up and give you the help with Seaira that you both deserve. Hugs for you and your beautiful girl!