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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

OBG Appt

First I just want to take a quick second to thank everyone who checks up on Seaira. I read all the comments and I wish I knew how to "reply" back to say Thank You to each of you!

Seaira saw Dr Lee up to OHSU today, he is not only a pediatric specialist but a Fertility specialist as well and we got a lot of funny looks sitting out in the lobby because is just says Fertility Clinic, but anyway. Dr Lee was wonderful! He discussed every option possible on how to best handle her period. My main concern was the increase in seizures that her cycle was bringing on and the how heavy the flow was.
I was very curious about a hysterectomy because I was hoping to just go in a take care of it all and never have to worry about it again, but Dr Lee said that would only stop the bleeding and that isn't what is causing the increase in seizures it's the hormones! Also it is actually against the law to perform a hysterectomy on a person whom can't decide for themselves but in a situation like Seaira's a court order can be given and it can happen and he said that she ends up having major bleeding issue in the future that he would be happy to address it then!
So we decided to put her on Nor-DQ, it seems to be the best choice for her and is safe for to take for a long period of time!


Carrie and Avery said...

good! glad she might get some relief!

SeairaLaNae said...

Me too

SeairaLaNae said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SeairaLaNae said...

Hey I did it, I can finally reply!

Kelly said...

I hope this works for her - periods are MISERABLE for all of us - I hate that oue girls have additional "issues" that come along with this lovely "rite of passage!"