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Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 5 of seizures...ughhhhhhh

We're going on day 5 now and they are not getting any better! I totally thought today was going to be a good day, nothing happened until 4:25pm. She's had a totally of 10 since then! :o( Her appointment with the neuro isn't until Wednesday at 1:00, this sucks!!!!!!!!!

I've pretty much been stuck by her side this whole time, writing down everything that's happened, how long, what kind! I got to leave the house for about 45 minutes to run to a WIC appointment for the baby and then to go p/u the stuff from the store, that is it! :o(

If anyone feels like dropping a meal buy or something we would welcome that with open arms, my kids love pizza don't get me wrong, but I haven't been able to cook for them at all since this has started! Lisa has helped out when she's here in that department too!

Ok so people say I never ask for help and no one can help me unless I there it is! Thank you all so much! Love ya all!

1 comment:

Brooklyn said...

I have been reading and getting caught up on your week. I am so sorry to hear Seaira is having a tough go around with the seizures, It is Friday right now - I hope that things have gotten better. She is in my thoughts and prayers....and I hope someone took you on on the pizza request!