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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Update on Seaira's appt

We had what was suppose to be her pre-op this morning, we talked to the surgeon and the surgery to have her Vegal Nerve Stimulator replaced is going to be Aug 4th up at Dorenbecher 's Children's Hospital. This the soonest they can do it. They will go in and replace the device, hook up to the wires in her neck (should take about an hour) and as long as it's working then she can come home that day, but if something has gone wrong with the wire then another incision will be made on her neck and surgery will be another 4 hours and she will have to stay the night, and I won't know until that moment!
I also get to go back up the clinic next week for the pre-op because for whatever reason the nurse didn't realize that was why we where there today?? Weird!
She did have new ex-rays done so the surgeon can have an idea of what everything looks like before he goes in there!
So in the mean time, I'm stuck at home with a child still having seizures (at night only right now) and a child that can't hardly sit up on her own, side effect of the new med I'm guessing!
I need a vacation!


Brooklyn said...

UGH...I pray August 4th gets here fast! You will be in our prayers!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gail,
I wanted to see how Seaira's appointment went, and I see that it has been postponed until Aug. 4th. I will check back in with you to see how everything is going. We are leaving for vacation, but when we get back at the beginning of August, I want to bring a meal by for your family.