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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Update on Seizures

Thank you all so much for the positive thoughts and prayers!

We got out of the hospital around 9:30 last night. They did a check over to make sure there was no other illness going on..cold, fever, flu, infections..and there was nothing. They also took an x-ray of her VNS to make sure it was still connected and it was. We thought they were going to adjust her meds and then send us home but the on call neuro decided since she has an appt this Tuesday with her neuro that we wants to let him decided what to do. So in the mean time I am suppose to document all her seizures and and if they get bad just give her more Diastat. Also he chalks it all up to just being a part of Rett Syndrome! :o(
As I was typing this she just had another! :o(

1 comment:

Abbysworld said...

We love you so so much Miss Seaira. Now you get better. Abby sends big slobbery kisses and we are putting a package in the mail for you and Mommy.
Abby says-Ducca ducca boogah ah oogag oogah iehal.